Date / Time: Thursday 9th February 2023, 9am to 10.30am
Venue: SeaYou Cafe & Restaurant, Orford Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk IP11 2DY
Platinum and Gold Members: £ 0.00
Silver and Diamond Members: £ 10.00
Bronze and Non-members: £ 15.00

Suffolk has one of the lowest unemployment records in the UK, making attracting and retaining talent a real ‘hot topic’.
Underpinned by decades of knowledge and expertise in their respective fields, Leanne Gittins, Managing Director of LME Recruitment, and Emma Sheppard FCIPD, Director of PS Human Resources, understand the challenges that employers are facing.
Leanne and Emma specialise in providing staffing solutions across Suffolk, helping to pave a way forward through a solution-focussed approach, and they will be happy to answer any questions that you may have that immediately concern your business.
So, make sure that you book up to learn some top tips on attracting the talent that you need, and ideas around ways in which you can work to increase your staff retention.

Why should I attend this event and why will it make a difference to my business?
Attending this event will give you valuable insights from local professionals, LME Recruitment and PSHR, in how to successfully attract, recruit and retain staff.
In the current climate, it can be difficult to find the right person for your business, so understanding where we are now in terms of employee engagement post-Covid and Brexit, as well as what potential candidates are looking for, will give you the edge when recruiting.
But, it’s not just about attracting and recruiting; it’s about how businesses retain their staff once they have recruited them.
During this session, Leanne will be talking about how to become an ‘employer of choice’ and Emma will be discussing the importance of effective probationary periods, sound line management, clear goals and total reward.
By using some of these strategies, you will benefit from better employee recruitment, retention and engagement.

What can I expect as my take-aways from this event?
The event will be informative and will inspire you to look at recruitment and HR differently, especially if you don’t have a dedicated recruitment and HR department.
Leanne and Emma will be offering simple, practical advice on how to take action on the challenges businesses face when recruiting and retaining staff, and will help you to gain some new tools and processes to make the process easier and more successful.
If you would like professional recruitment and HR support, then LME and PSHR are on hand to provide tailor-made solutions for your business. For further information, go to www.pshumanresources.co.uk and www.lmerecruitment.co.uk
To book your place for this popular breakfast event, please contact our Business Office, Amanda Oliver, on 01394 248440 / 07967 334426 or [email protected].